Take a minute to help save Sumatra's last rainforest
It's the last place on Earth where orangutans, tigers, elephants and rhinos still coexist.
It's the last major tract of lowland rainforest on Sumatra--the island paradise devastated over the last decade by corporate oil palm and wood-pulp plantations and slash-and-burn farming.
Rare real estate... tiger footprint in Sumatra (photo by William Laurance)
It's the Leuser Ecosystem, and you can help save it. Just take 30 seconds to add your name to this growing petition, appealing to the Aceh government in Sumatra.
And ask your friends to support this initiative too--by signing up for ALERT's automatic updates and liking ALERT on Facebook.
For more information about the imperiled Leuser region, see our earlier blogs and press release.