Posts tagged old-growth forest
Europe’s Greatest Old-Growth Forest Faces the Axe
ConservationBill Lauranceold-growth forest, Belarus, Białowieża Forest, logging, spruce bark beetle, European bison, European lynx, Gray wolf, World Heritage sites, old trees, Malgorzata Blicharska, Richard Smithers, Polish Ministry of Environment
Double Whammy: Primates and Wilderness in Peril
WildlifeBill Laurancedeforestation, Intact Forest Landscapes, habitat fragmentation, hunting, primates, Alejandro Estrada, Lars Laestadius, infrastructure, endangered primates, endangered species, tropical ecosystems, illegal pet trade, bushmeat, overhunting, oil palm, rubber, Nigeria, Cameroon, University of Maryland, UNAM, old-growth forest, human population growth
Logging sharply increases fire risk for endangered forests
Indonesia now biggest 'forest killer'
The debate about forest conservation
Bill Lauranceselective logging, secondary forest, old-growth forest, rainforest, tropical forest, scientific debate, Corey Bradshaw, ConservationBytes, logged forest, logging, Indonesia