Investors Beware: Infrastructure Projects Are Collapsing
Infrastructure ExpansionBill LauranceChina, Belt and Road Initiative, One Belt One Road, high-speed railway, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, investors, infrastructure, railway, road, hydropower, dam, hydroelectric dam, PNG-LNG, Papua New Guinea - Liquid Natural Gas Project, Papua New Guinea, natural gas, tax avoidance, ExxonMobil, social violence, Amazon, Brazilian Amazon, deforestation, poaching, illegal mining, Michel Temer, President Lula, Brazil, corruption, bribery, risk-reward tradeoff, transparency, developing nations, Australia, Darwin Harbor, Darwin Port, Exim, Chinese Export-Import Bank, Xi Jinping
China's Massive Toll On The Planet
ConservationBill LauranceChina, illegal timber, stolen timber, illegal timber trade, wood products, exports, deforestation, bribery, illegal logging, Environmental Investigation Agency, Chatham House, voluntary standards, environmental boycotts
Protesters decry 'feeding frenzy' of African mining investors
Bill LauranceAfrica, mining, foreign investment, inflation, Dutch Disease, Mining on Top in Africa, The Gaia Foundation, London Mining Network, War on Want, Divest London, Global Justice Now, Stop Mad Mining, Hannibal Rhoades, protest, China, Chinese mining investments, environmental destruction, poaching, bribery, corruption, greenwashing, boom and bust
The corruption scandal engulfing Papua New Guinea
It's not just big corporations that are killing Indonesia's forests
Bill LauranceIndonesia, deforestation, smallholders, slash-and-burn farming, illegal logging, poaching, Joko Widodo, election promises, illegal mining, law enforcement, corruption, bribery, local investors, forest burning, big corporations, mega-corporations, oil palm, wood pulp, illegal colonization
China's massive role in illegal logging
Bill LauranceChina, illegal timber, stolen timber, illegal timber trade, wood products, exports, deforestation, bribery, illegal logging, Environmental Investigation Agency, Chatham House, voluntary standards, environmental boycotts
Should conservationists resort to bribery?
Indonesian politician gets 14 years for illegal logging permits
Bill Lauranceillegal logging, deforestation, woodpulp, oil palm, Indonesia, Sumatra, Riau Province, APP, APRIL, Rusli Zainai, corruption, bribery, 'no deforestation' pledge