Posts tagged illegal mining
Should We Fear the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank?
Infrastructure Expansion, Editors PicksBill LauranceAIIB, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Transport Sector Strategy, roads, railways, ports, airports, sea ports, China, Belt and Road Initiative, greening infrastructure, carbon emissions, Pandora's Box effect, deforestatoon, deforestation, habitat fragmentation, poaching, illegal mining, land grabs, strategic land-use planning, SEAs, strategic environmental assessments, biodiversity hotspot, Important Bird Areas, Key Biodiversity Areas, Global 200 Ecoregions, corruption, governance, stranded assets, foreign debt, wilderness, threatened species, tigers, Saiga antelope, Giant Pandas
Investors Beware: Infrastructure Projects Are Collapsing
Infrastructure ExpansionBill LauranceChina, Belt and Road Initiative, One Belt One Road, high-speed railway, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, investors, infrastructure, railway, road, hydropower, dam, hydroelectric dam, PNG-LNG, Papua New Guinea - Liquid Natural Gas Project, Papua New Guinea, natural gas, tax avoidance, ExxonMobil, social violence, Amazon, Brazilian Amazon, deforestation, poaching, illegal mining, Michel Temer, President Lula, Brazil, corruption, bribery, risk-reward tradeoff, transparency, developing nations, Australia, Darwin Harbor, Darwin Port, Exim, Chinese Export-Import Bank, Xi Jinping
Why Chop the Amazon Rainforest in Half?
Infrastructure ExpansionBill LauranceAmazon, rainforest, road, BR-319, BR-174, Manaus, Porto Velho, habitat fragmentation, poaching, logging, fires, BR-163, Rio Negro Bridge, William Laurance, Philip Fearnside, land speculation, illegal mining
Brazil's Amazon Sellout Threatens Critical Indigenous Lands
PoliticsBill LauranceBrazil, indigenous groups, Michel Temer, corruption, ruralist, impeachment, Brazilian Congress, protected areas, forest roads, illegal land claims, land-theft, modern-day slavery, fires, illegal logging, illegal mining, G-7 Pilot Program for the Brazilian Amazon, rainfall recycling
Conservationists Aghast at Scheme to Degrade 'Heart of Biodiversity'
RainforestsBill LauranceLeuser Ecosystem, Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia, orangutan, Elephant, Sumatran rhino, Sumatran tiger, Hitay Holdings, geothermal project, deforestation, illegal logging, illegal mining, poaching, roads, Siti Nurbaya, Kappi Plateau, Kappi Region, wildlife corridor, protected area, World Heritage site
The World's Largest Primate Teeters on the Edge of Extinction
WildlifeBill Laurancegorilla, Grauer's Gorilla, Democratic Republic of Congo, Jefferson Hall, Andrew Plumtree, Stuart Nixon, Ghislain Vieilledent, critically endangered, poaching, Coltan, illegal mining, Congo Basin, mountain gorilla, civil war, war, park rangers, Punia Gorilla Reserve, Itombwe Natural Reserve, Kahuzi-Biega National Park, blood gold, blood diamonds, blood coltan
ALERT's three most important conservation trends in 2015
ConservationBill LauranceALERT, El Nino, infrastructure, roads, deforestation, poaching, illegal mining, no-deforestation pledges, Indonesia, Brazil, wildfires, 2015, haze, Southeast Asia, Sumatra, Cambodia, India, Amazon, Sub-Saharan Africa, peatland, forest fires, Daintree Drought Experiment, power lines, gas lines, G20 nations, BNDES, AIIB, New York Times, New Scientist, West Africa, migratory species, RoadLess, E.C. Joint Research Center, Godzilla
A Vital New Initiative to Learn How Roads Are Imperiling Nature
Infrastructure ExpansionBill LauranceRoadLess, E.C. Joint Research Center, Steve Peedell, Frederic Achard, deforestation, poaching, roads, rainforests, carbon trading, land zoning, land-use planning, wilderness, illegal mining, logging, Congo Basin, Amazon, Peru, Brazil, illegal roads, logging roads, crowdsourcing, satellite imagery
ALERT's latest campaign: 'Sustainable' corporation blasted for destroying Amazon rainforest
Bill LauranceUnited Cacao, Peru, Peruvian Amazon, deforestation, cacao, chocolate, Cacao del Peru Norte, Thomas Lovejoy, Lian Pin Koh, William Laurance, environmental sustainability, green-washing, tropical rainforest, illegal mining, illegal logging
Roads to ruin: Southeast Asia's most environmentally destructive highways
Bill Lauranceroads, highways, deforestation, hunting, poaching, illegal logging, illegal mining, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Gopalasamy Reuben Clements, endangered mammals, endangered species, wilderness, endemic species, Philippines, roads to ruin
It's not just big corporations that are killing Indonesia's forests
Bill LauranceIndonesia, deforestation, smallholders, slash-and-burn farming, illegal logging, poaching, Joko Widodo, election promises, illegal mining, law enforcement, corruption, bribery, local investors, forest burning, big corporations, mega-corporations, oil palm, wood pulp, illegal colonization
Where on Earth should roads go and not go?
Bill LauranceA global strategy for road building, William Laurance, Nature magazine, road building, zoning roads, food production, global food demand, road expansion, Pandora's Box effect, illegal logging, poaching, land speculation, land-use zoning, deforestation, illegal mining
'Blood gold': Illegal miners devastating rainforests
Bill LauranceIllegal gold mining, illegal mining, Blood gold, blood diamonds, blood ivory, Peru, Brazil, Kayapo Reserve, Indigenous peoples, Indonesia, Borneo, rainforest destruction, corruption, park invasions