Posts tagged ecosystem services
Making the next ten years count for protected areas
James Watsonprotected areas, national parks, parks, World Heritage, World Parks Congress, IUCN, James Watson, Marc Hockings, park management, mountain gorilla, Nature, ecosystem services, carbon storage, clean water, weather extremes, Convention on Biological Diversity, climate change, social benefits, economic benefits
Nature worth "$145 trillion per year" to humanity
Bill Lauranceecosystem services, valuation of nature, economics, Robert Costanza, land-use change, habitat destruction, natural resources, TEEB, carbon storage, crop pollination, recreation, flood mitigation, clean water, clean air, environmental economics
Help ALERT combat threats to crucial Malaysian park
Gopalasamy Reuben ClementsSelangor State Park, Malaysia, Peninsular Malaysia, endangered species, deforestation, road expansion, park degazettement, habitat fragmentation, ecosystem services, watershed, catchment, water quality, petition
We must save logged tropical forests
Bill Laurancetropical forests, logging, selective logging, biodiversity, ecosystem services, forest conversion, oil palm, slash-and-burn, conversion, logged forests
How does forest fragmentation affect birds?
Infrastructure Expansion, ConservationBill Laurancebirds, bird communities, tropical forests, habitat fragmentation, deforestation, insectivores, frugivores, ecosystem services, ripple effects, temperate forests, temperate ecosystems, global analysis, meta-analysis, extinction, fragment size
Forests reduce flooding