Posts tagged land-use change
Road Rage: The Real Reason Roads Are So Dangerous
Infrastructure ExpansionBill Lauranceroads, highways, infrastructure, Asia, Africa, Amazon, poaching, deforestation, land-use planning, land-use change, climate change, global warming, James Cook University, TESS, ALERT, developing countries, developing nations
The new land-use tsunami imperiling the tropics
Bill Laurancerubber, rubber plantations, rubber tsunami, China, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos, Southeast Asia, land-use change, drivers of deforestation, marginal areas, Eleanor Warren-Thomas, Antje Ahrends, natural rubber, drought, frost, typhoons, habitat destruction
Nature worth "$145 trillion per year" to humanity
Bill Lauranceecosystem services, valuation of nature, economics, Robert Costanza, land-use change, habitat destruction, natural resources, TEEB, carbon storage, crop pollination, recreation, flood mitigation, clean water, clean air, environmental economics