Posts tagged habitat destruction
Should Rhinos Be Introduced To Australia?
WildlifeBill Laurancerhino, rhinoceros, black rhino, white rhino, Sumatran rhino, Javan rhino, Indian one-horned rhino, habitat fragmentation, habitat destruction, poaching, rhino horn, endangered species, Vietnam, China, Africa, Asia, megafauna, Sumatra, Java, roads, captive breeding, Australia, savannas, rule of law, eco-tourism, cattle ranching, cattle stations, crazy idea, exotic plant species
China's Belt & Road is "Environmentally Riskiest Venture Ever"
Infrastructure ExpansionBill LauranceBelt and Road Initiative, One Belt One Road, China, infrastructure, roads, Bill Laurance, Asia, Africa, Asia-Pacific region, Europe, habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation, railroads, ports, extractive industries, global warming, fossil fuels, poaching, extinction, protected areas
ALERT's Biggest Conservation Stories of 2016
ConservationBill Lauranceextinction, species extinction, habitat loss, habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation, infrastructure, roads, dams, poaching, 2016, Africa, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Leuser Ecosystem, Nigeria, development corridors, giraffe, Cheetah, Brazilian Amazon, Brazilian Forest Code, Amazon rainforest, Sumatra, geothermal project, hydroelectric dam, Congo, Congo megadams, Bangladesh, tigers, India waterways, wilderness, global human footprint, genetic diversity, China, illegal wildlife trade, overfishing, overhunting, land-use planning, Zero-deforestation agreement, ivory trade, rhino horn, orangutan, Elephant, mass extinction
The new land-use tsunami imperiling the tropics
Bill Laurancerubber, rubber plantations, rubber tsunami, China, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos, Southeast Asia, land-use change, drivers of deforestation, marginal areas, Eleanor Warren-Thomas, Antje Ahrends, natural rubber, drought, frost, typhoons, habitat destruction
Why biodiversity is declining even as protected areas increase
Bill Lauranceprotected areas, biodiversity, biodiversity loss, extinction, habitat destruction, land sparing, land sharing, Ro Hill, infrastructure, G20 nations
Perils growing for Earth's biodiversity hotspots
Bill Laurancebiodiversity, biodiversity hotspots, endemic species, local endemics, endangered species, biogeographic regions, habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation, climate change, Madagascar, locally endemic species
Nature worth "$145 trillion per year" to humanity
Bill Lauranceecosystem services, valuation of nature, economics, Robert Costanza, land-use change, habitat destruction, natural resources, TEEB, carbon storage, crop pollination, recreation, flood mitigation, clean water, clean air, environmental economics
Species disappearing "1000 times faster than normal"
Bill Laurancebiodiversity, biodiversity hotspots, species extinctions, unknown species, local endemics, missing species, habitat destruction, Stuart Pimm, tropical forests, endangered species, species losses