Posts tagged fire regimes
Could disease be driving extinctions of Australian mammals?
Bill LauranceAustralian mammal declines, Northern Australian mammal declines, disease, epidemic disease, foreign pathogen, bettongs, northern bettong, brush-tailed bettong, chytrid fungus, frog declines, rinderpest, white-nose disease, ebola, feral cats, overgrazing, fire regimes, Sandra Abell, Penny van Oosterzee, Noel Preece, James Cook University, Peter Daszak, Tasmanian Devil, facial tumor disease, Trypanosomiasis, Christmas Island, Northern Bettong, Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong, Saiga antelope
Why We Simply Must Have Predators
ConservationJohn Terborghpredators, John Terborgh, rewilding, George Monbiot, biodiversity, eutrophication, fire regimes, exotic species, Lago Guri, islands, alternative states, wolves, bears, tigers, lions, ecological collapse, green world hypothesis, Hairston et al. 1960, harpy eagle, secondary compounds, plant diversity
Are Australia's mysterious mammal declines spreading?
Bill Laurancemammal declines, Australia, tropical bettong, bettong, bandicoots, quolls, native rodents, feral cats, cane toads, pathogens, fire regimes, overgrazing, mammal extinctions, biodiversity loss, Sandra Abell-Davis, north Queensland
The mystery of Australia's small mammal declines
WildlifeBill Laurancemammals, Australia, Northern Territory, Western Australia, extinction, grazing, fire, feral cats, cane toads, fire regimes
Across the planet, big trees are in trouble
ConservationBill Laurancebig trees, old trees, giant trees, global warming, droughts, fire regimes, logging, selective logging, rainforests, Amazon, habitat fragmentation, exotic pathogens, exotic weeds