Posts tagged biodiversity loss
Which Nations Are Causing The Most Environmental Damage?
Infrastructure ExpansionBill Laurancedeforestation, foreign investment, AIIB, tropical deforestation, Latin America, South America, China, pollution havens, belt and road project, World Bank, carbon emissions, biodiversity loss, extinction, Yale Environment 360, poaching, wildlife poaching, illegal wildlife trade, ivory, ivory smuggling, rhino horn, pangolin
Roads to ruin: The devastating impacts of the global infrastructure explosion
Bill Lauranceroads, infrastructure, G20 nations, New York Times, New Scientist, Bill Laurance, dams, hydroelectric dams, power lines, gas lines, mining, fossil fuels, road expansion, deforestation, species extinctions, biodiversity loss, dinosaur extinctions, International New York Times, forest elephants, overhunting, poaching, logging roads
Rate of tropical rainforest destruction leaps by 62 percent
Bill Laurancetropical deforestation, tropical rainforests, deforestation, Democratic Republic of Congo, Brazil, Madagascar, Southeast Asia, Neotropics, African tropics, University of Maryland, Landsat, satellite monitoring, FAO, biodiversity loss, extinctions
Why biodiversity is declining even as protected areas increase
Bill Lauranceprotected areas, biodiversity, biodiversity loss, extinction, habitat destruction, land sparing, land sharing, Ro Hill, infrastructure, G20 nations
Australia talks the talk but will it walk the walk for conservation?
Bill Laurancerainforests, Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit, Greg Hunt, Asia-Pacific region, biodiversity hotspots, biodiversity loss, World Parks Congress, deforestation, illegal logging, Tony Abbott government
Are Australia's mysterious mammal declines spreading?
Bill Laurancemammal declines, Australia, tropical bettong, bettong, bandicoots, quolls, native rodents, feral cats, cane toads, pathogens, fire regimes, overgrazing, mammal extinctions, biodiversity loss, Sandra Abell-Davis, north Queensland