Posts tagged Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Should We Fear the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank?
Infrastructure Expansion, Editors PicksBill LauranceAIIB, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Transport Sector Strategy, roads, railways, ports, airports, sea ports, China, Belt and Road Initiative, greening infrastructure, carbon emissions, Pandora's Box effect, deforestatoon, deforestation, habitat fragmentation, poaching, illegal mining, land grabs, strategic land-use planning, SEAs, strategic environmental assessments, biodiversity hotspot, Important Bird Areas, Key Biodiversity Areas, Global 200 Ecoregions, corruption, governance, stranded assets, foreign debt, wilderness, threatened species, tigers, Saiga antelope, Giant Pandas
The Mega-Banks Funding Forest Destruction in Southeast Asia
RainforestsJeremy Hancebanks, lending institutions, deforestation, infrastructure, Forests and Finance, Malaysia Forest, MayBank, ABM Amro, Rainforest Action Network, TuK INDONESIA, Profundo, Malaysia, China, Japan, USA, UK, Indonesia, Australia, ANZ, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, extinction crisis, World Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, AIIB, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, BNDES, Brazilian Development Bank, roads, highways, coal-fired generating plant, Indigenous peoples, divestment, publicity, bad publicity, negative publicity, oil palm, logging, timber, paper pulp, rubber, forest-risk companies
Will new mega-banks force a 'race to the bottom' for the environment?
PoliticsBill LauranceAIIB, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, BNDES, Brazilian Development Bank, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, international lenders, infrastructure, roads, dams, hydroelectric dams, mining, logging, deforestation, human rights, indigenous peoples, developing nations, China, India, Russia, OECD nations
The world's two most dangerous environmental trends
Bill LauranceBrazilian development bank, BNDES, AIIB, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, infrastructure, G20, roads, mining, dams, hydroelectric dams, Brazil, China, World Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, environmental impacts, deforestation, climate change