Vietnam's Logging Scandal: Time for An International Boycott?
ConservationJeremy HanceVietnam, timber, timber exports, illegal logging, Cambodia, Jeremy Hance, European Union, U.S.A., Australia, Environmental Investigation Agency, elephant, sun bear, Asian black bear, clouded leopard, golden cat, Sunda pangolin, Virachey National Park, poaching, drug traffickers, murder, FLEGT, proboscis monkey, timber smuggling
The Mega-Banks Funding Forest Destruction in Southeast Asia
RainforestsJeremy Hancebanks, lending institutions, deforestation, infrastructure, Forests and Finance, Malaysia Forest, MayBank, ABM Amro, Rainforest Action Network, TuK INDONESIA, Profundo, Malaysia, China, Japan, USA, UK, Indonesia, Australia, ANZ, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, extinction crisis, World Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, AIIB, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, BNDES, Brazilian Development Bank, roads, highways, coal-fired generating plant, Indigenous peoples, divestment, publicity, bad publicity, negative publicity, oil palm, logging, timber, paper pulp, rubber, forest-risk companies
Key Trends to Watch: Perils and Promise for Rainforests in 2016
RainforestsBill Laurancerainforest, 2016, deforestation, carbon emissions, commodity prices, timber, oil palm, soy, beef, oil, mining, minerals, China, roads, infrastructure, Africa, El Nino, drought, Godzilla, Indonesia, haze, peat fires, peatland, Southeast Asia, Brazil, recession, exports, hydroelectric dams, Amazon, Mata Atlantica, Atlantic forests, President Dilma, Zero-deforestation agreement, no-deforestation pledge, wood pulp, land-use planning, Malaysia, Paris COP, REDD, REDD+, global warming, climate change, biodiversity, scientific uncertainty
China to punch 5,000-kilometer railroad through the Amazon
Bill LauranceTrans-Amazon Railway, A, Amazon railway, Brazil, Peru, Brazilian Atlantic forest, Cerrado, iron ore, timber, soy, Exports to China, Li Keqiang, South America, Nicaragua Canal, Colombia, Peruvian Amazon, indigenous peoples
Export markets are driving much of tropical deforestation
Bill Lauranceagricultural commodities, soy, beef, timber, palm oil, tropical deforestation, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, export markets, globalization, Center for Global Development, greenhouse gas emissions, commodity exports, European Union, E.U., China
Papua New Guinea's growing forest scandal