Posts tagged carbon emissions
Should We Fear the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank?
Infrastructure Expansion, Editors PicksBill LauranceAIIB, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Transport Sector Strategy, roads, railways, ports, airports, sea ports, China, Belt and Road Initiative, greening infrastructure, carbon emissions, Pandora's Box effect, deforestatoon, deforestation, habitat fragmentation, poaching, illegal mining, land grabs, strategic land-use planning, SEAs, strategic environmental assessments, biodiversity hotspot, Important Bird Areas, Key Biodiversity Areas, Global 200 Ecoregions, corruption, governance, stranded assets, foreign debt, wilderness, threatened species, tigers, Saiga antelope, Giant Pandas
Biofuel Bomb is Decimating Nature
ConservationBill Laurancebiofuels, oil palm, Indonesia, Malaysia, European Union, E.U., biodiversity, deforestation, peat forest, peat fires, carbon emissions, New Guinea, Equatorial Africa, Latin America, Terengganu state, Peninsular Malaysia, Rainforest Foundation Norway, China, haze, air pollution, biodiesel
Carbon Collapse in Fragmented Forests
RainforestsBill Laurancehabitat fragmentation, edge effects, tropical forests, frugivorous animals, microclimatic stresses, wind shear, treefalls, carbon emissions, carbon storage, defaunation, hunting, poaching, frugivores, trees, Rebecca Chaplin-Kramer, Nick Haddad, William Laurance, Susan Laurance, Thomas Lovejoy, Amazon, Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, edge-related fires, surface fires, Carolina Bello, Mauro Galetti
Transforming Forest Killers Into Forest Savers
PoliticsBill LauranceClay Ogg, farm subsidies, deforestation, carbon emissions, National Center for Environmental Economics, tropical forests, subsidies, Brazil, Indonesia, REDD, E.U., conservation-compliance program, trade agreement, fertilizer, farming, peat swamp, peat, peat bog, global warming, nitrous oxide, OECD, Southeast Asia, palm oil, government subsidies, decoupled subsidies, crop prices
For the Environment, Should We Crack Down on Illegal Drugs or Give Up the Fight?
ConservationJeremy Hanceillegal drugs, drug trade, drug traffickers, cartels, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, deforestation, money laundering, Laguna Tigre National Park, Latin America, Colombia, land grabbing, illegal gold mining, smuggling, Central America, cocaine, marijuana, coca, carbon emissions, War on Drugs, pesticides, Jeremy Hance
How Roads Can Cause Economic and Social Meltdown
Infrastructure ExpansionBill Lauranceroads, highways, infrastructure, deforestation, carbon emissions, poaching, wildlife, wildfires, Pandora's Box, video, land-use planning, economic benefits, social stability, social benefits, jobs, politics, development policy
Which Nations Are Causing The Most Environmental Damage?
Infrastructure ExpansionBill Laurancedeforestation, foreign investment, AIIB, tropical deforestation, Latin America, South America, China, pollution havens, belt and road project, World Bank, carbon emissions, biodiversity loss, extinction, Yale Environment 360, poaching, wildlife poaching, illegal wildlife trade, ivory, ivory smuggling, rhino horn, pangolin
Dramatic Conservation Pledge by Papua, Indonesia
ConservationBill LaurancePapua, Papua Province, Indonesia, 83-percent pledge, New Guinea, Elia Loupatty, Project Papua, Pokja Papua, Joko Widodo, President Joko Widodo, Trans-Papuan Highway, roads, deforestation, Lorentz National Park, World Heritage site, Bill Laurance, William Laurance, habitat fragmentation, carbon emissions, Victoria Crowned Pigeon, cultural values, biodiversity
Australian Wins Egg-Frying Contest For Trump
PoliticsBill LauranceDonald Trump, President Trump, Donald J. Trump, global warming, climate change, Australia, South Australia, Corey Bradshaw, Bill Laurance, William Laurance, egg-frying contest, ALERT, Alliance of Leading Environmental Researchers & Thinkers, heat wave, eggsplain, carbon emissions, Chinese hoax, goanna, monitor lizard, goanna's gonads, ConservationBytes, White House
Who’s Responsible for our Climate Crisis? Just 90 Companies
Climate ChangeJeremy HanceJeremy Hance, climate change, global warming, carbon emissions, carbon dioxide, methane, Richard Heede, Climate Accountability Institute, corporate polluters, oil, natural gas, coal, cement, ExxonMobile, British Petroleum, Chevron, Gazprom, National Iranian Oil Company, Saudi Aramco, Royal Dutch Shell, Petroleos Mexicanos, divestment, greenhouse gases, James Hansen
Crunch time for land clearing in Queensland
Infrastructure ExpansionBill LauranceQueensland, land clearing, deforestation, forests, woodlands, Martine Maron, greenhouse gases, carbon emissions, biodiversity, Koala, Great Barrier Reef
Key Trends to Watch: Perils and Promise for Rainforests in 2016
RainforestsBill Laurancerainforest, 2016, deforestation, carbon emissions, commodity prices, timber, oil palm, soy, beef, oil, mining, minerals, China, roads, infrastructure, Africa, El Nino, drought, Godzilla, Indonesia, haze, peat fires, peatland, Southeast Asia, Brazil, recession, exports, hydroelectric dams, Amazon, Mata Atlantica, Atlantic forests, President Dilma, Zero-deforestation agreement, no-deforestation pledge, wood pulp, land-use planning, Malaysia, Paris COP, REDD, REDD+, global warming, climate change, biodiversity, scientific uncertainty
Fragmented Future: Wounded Landscapes Imperil More than Biodiversity
Infrastructure ExpansionBill Laurancehabitat fragmentation, edge effects, tropical forests, frugivorous animals, microclimatic stresses, wind shear, treefalls, carbon emissions, carbon storage, defaunation, hunting, poaching, frugivores, trees, Rebecca Chaplin-Kramer, Nick Haddad, William Laurance, Susan Laurance, Thomas Lovejoy, Amazon, Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, edge-related fires, surface fires, Carolina Bello, Mauro Galetti
Conserving tropical forests could get us halfway to solving global warming
Climate ChangeBill LauranceBrett Byers, Rainforest Trust, Million Acre Pledge, Paris COP, COP 21, climate change, deforestation, selective logging, tropical forests, biodiversity, fossil fuels, carbon emissions, forest regeneration
As Indonesia burns, its government moves to increase forest destruction
RainforestsBill LauranceIndonesia, Malaysia, Council of Palm Oil Producer Countries, Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries, oil palm, deforestation, fires, El Nino, drought, no-deforestation pledges, press release, respiratory distress, haze, air pollution, carbon emissions, peat forest, peatland, Bill Laurance, William Laurance, Thomas Lovejoy, Lian Pin Koh, Global Forest Watch, Greenpeace
The Indonesian Inferno: A Completely Preventable Crisis
Bill LauranceIndonesia, fires, haze, smoke, smog, school closures, airport closures, air pollution, carbon emissions, peatlands, peat fires, deforestation, Singapore, Malaysia, New Guinea, Sumatra, Borneo, Micronesia, President Joko Widodo, El Nino, drought, Erik Meijaard, fire ban, Brazil, remote sensing, Global Forest Watch, oil palm, Council of Palm Oil Producer Countries, zero deforestation
Obama eco-speech infuriates Aussie conservatives
Bill LauranceG20, Barack Obama, Tony Abbott, climate change, global warming, carbon emissions, China, University of Queensland, Julie Bishop, Great Barrier Reef, coral bleaching, ocean acidification, heat waves, illegal logging, World Heritage Site in Danger, UNESCO
Big risks for the world's biggest coal mine
Bill LauranceAdani, Carmichael Coal Mine, Queensland, Australia, carbon emissions, India, Mundra, Gujarat State, corruption, scandal, Campbell Newman, coal mining, global warming
Good news: Deforestation slowing in some countries
Bill Laurancedeforestation, REDD+, governance, law enforcement, payments for ecosystem services, empowering local communities, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Vietnam, Equatorial Africa, carbon emissions, moratoria, soy, beef, deforestation drivers, Guyana, Kenya, Madagascar
Biting back: Aussie coal corporation responds to call for emissions cuts