Want to Save Nature? See A Psychologist
Is Climate Change Killing Off Earth's Little Creatures?
Learning to Say ‘No’ to Risky Mega-Projects
Surging Development Dangers in Indonesian New Guinea
The Trouble with Environmental Impact Assessments
‘Apocalypse Now’ for Amazonia: Devastating Promises by Brazil’s President-Elect
Question: Which of These Primates Knows More About Climate Change?
Politics, Most PopularBill LauranceDonald Trump, climate change, global warming, Hilary Clinton, U.S. presidential election, China, Russia, greenhouse gases, coal, energy policy, environmental policy
Trails on Trial: Which Human Uses Are OK for Protected Areas?
Commotion in the Ocean: What’s Happening to our Seas?
Turning Rainforest To Furniture – Global Markets Gobble Up the Congo Basin
Rainforests, Editors PicksBill LauranceChina, deforestation, Congo Basin, Congo rainforest, Logging, United State, Global Markets, African Timber, European Union, illegal logging, Cameroon, native forests, timber-importing nations, Global Timber Trade, Chinese loggers, Furniture
A Photographic Celebration of Nature
WildlifeBill LauranceLeuser Ecosystem, Leuser National Park, Gunung Leuser, Sumatra, rainforest, orangutan, Elephant, rhinoceros, Sumatran tiger, Sumatran orangutan, Siprayudi, Bill Laurance, oil palm, illegal hunting, encroachment, protected areas, kingfisher, viper, Thomas' Langur, dragonfly, gecko, Long-tailed Macaque, Slow Loris, Water Monitor
ALERT Blasts Into The Twitter-Verse
ConservationBill LauranceTwitter, tweet, ALERT videos, rainfall, roads, Malaysia, China, infrastructure, foreign debt, corruption, Australia, Liberal Party, energy security, renewable energy, Amerindians, Amazon, illegal logging, murder, hydropower, Indonesia, PT NSHE, Bhutan, Gross National Happiness, Gross National Product, Tapanuli Orangutan, Africa, oil palm, gorilla, Leuser Ecosystem, Nestle, Mars, Unilever, Borneo, Sumatra
Right-Wingers Humiliate Australia & Hammer the Earth
PoliticsBill LauranceAustralia, Liberal Party, Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, Peter Dutton, political conservative, right-wing, far-right conservative, climate policy, carbon tax, carbon emissions scheme, fossil fuels, coal, global warming, climate change, political instability, Donald Trump, USA, Indonesia, New Guinea, Great Barrier Reef, Tim Flannery, broadscale land clearing, Queensland, heat wave, drought, runoff, mangroves, mining lobby
Tonight’s Weather Forecast: Unseasonably Hot Till 2022
Climate ChangeBill Lauranceglobal warming, Climatic Change, greenhouse gases, statistical model, heat waves, greenhouse gas emissions, El Nino-Southern Oscillation, Indian Ocean Dipole, heat-sensitive wildlife, coral reefs, rainforests, high-elevation endemics, mangroves, cloud forests, Arctic regions, Antarctic regions, natural climatic variation, divest from fossil fuels, carbon-rich ecosystems
ALERT Blasts Indonesian Firm Pushing Ape-Killer Project
RainforestsBill LauranceTapanuli Orangutan, Sumatra, North Sumatra, PT NSHE, North Sumatera Hydro Energy, Sinohydro, Bank of China, President Xi Jinpeng, China, Belt & Road Initiative, PR firm, public relations, toxic reputation, hydropower, poaching, logging, haze, mining, deforestation, The Conversation, The Christian Science Monitor, National Geographic Online, Mongabay, Avaaz, WALHI, crisis management, Joko Widodo, President Jokowi, International Finance Corporation, Asian Development Bank, Sumatran Tiger, habitat fragmentation, acid test, circular, Malaysia, North Sumatera, Xi Jinping
Could Feminism Save the Earth?
Conservation, Most PopularBill Laurancefeminism, Let Girls Learn, population growth, overpopulation, developing nations, demographic transition, immigration, Africa, Middle East, South Asia, Western Europe, North America, Australia, fecundity, generation time, women's rights, social stability, social conflict, education, reproductive rights, career, family size, family planning, divorce, radicalization, Michelle Obama, environmental pressure, environmental destruction, global warming, Caribbean
Mind-Blowing Videos on Urgent Eco-Dramas
ConservationBill LauranceAmazon, rainfall, habitat fragmentation, deforestation, evapotranspiration, roads, hunting, logging, BR-319, Elephant, poaching, stranded assets, mining, China, boom and bust, financial risk, cancer, Dutch Disease, snaring, Leuser Ecosystem, orangutan, rhino, rhino horn, Pandora's Box, bulldozer, land grabbing, rain, extinction, Congo
ALERT Urges Indonesian President: Save the World's Rarest Ape
WildlifeBill LauranceTapanuli Orangutan, Indonesia, President Joko Widodo, President Jokowi, ALERT, scientists' letter, Onrizal Onrizal, North Sumatra, Bill Laurance, Jatna Supriatna, Sumatran tiger, Batang Toru, hydropower, Bank of China, Sinohydro, Asian Development Bank, International Finance Corporation, World Bank, Belt & Road Initiative, habitat fragmentation, roads, illegal logging, oil palm plantations
Should Rhinos Be Introduced To Australia?
WildlifeBill Laurancerhino, rhinoceros, black rhino, white rhino, Sumatran rhino, Javan rhino, Indian one-horned rhino, habitat fragmentation, habitat destruction, poaching, rhino horn, endangered species, Vietnam, China, Africa, Asia, megafauna, Sumatra, Java, roads, captive breeding, Australia, savannas, rule of law, eco-tourism, cattle ranching, cattle stations, crazy idea, exotic plant species
Should We Fear the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank?
Infrastructure Expansion, Editors PicksBill LauranceAIIB, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Transport Sector Strategy, roads, railways, ports, airports, sea ports, China, Belt and Road Initiative, greening infrastructure, carbon emissions, Pandora's Box effect, deforestatoon, deforestation, habitat fragmentation, poaching, illegal mining, land grabs, strategic land-use planning, SEAs, strategic environmental assessments, biodiversity hotspot, Important Bird Areas, Key Biodiversity Areas, Global 200 Ecoregions, corruption, governance, stranded assets, foreign debt, wilderness, threatened species, tigers, Saiga antelope, Giant Pandas