Posts tagged South America
Which Nations Are Causing The Most Environmental Damage?
Infrastructure ExpansionBill Laurancedeforestation, foreign investment, AIIB, tropical deforestation, Latin America, South America, China, pollution havens, belt and road project, World Bank, carbon emissions, biodiversity loss, extinction, Yale Environment 360, poaching, wildlife poaching, illegal wildlife trade, ivory, ivory smuggling, rhino horn, pangolin
China to punch 5,000-kilometer railroad through the Amazon
Bill LauranceTrans-Amazon Railway, A, Amazon railway, Brazil, Peru, Brazilian Atlantic forest, Cerrado, iron ore, timber, soy, Exports to China, Li Keqiang, South America, Nicaragua Canal, Colombia, Peruvian Amazon, indigenous peoples
Global gold rush is killing the world's rainforests
Bill Laurancegold, illegal gold mining, blood gold, South America, mercury, sedimentation, aquatic ecosystems, deforestation, poaching, indigenous peoples, French Guiana, Guianas, Magdalena Valley, roads, global financial crisis, Interoceanic Highway, Peru, Amazon
Neotropical rainforests under assault from infrastructure & mining
Bill LauranceNeotropical forests, rainforests, Interoceanic Canal, Nicaragua, Brazil, Amazon, Andes, mining, hydroelectric projects, hydroelectric dams, infrastructure, BNDES, IIRSA, China, Central America, South America, deforestation, roads, Tapajos River, ATBC, Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
Agriculture will massively impact the tropics
Conservation, Most PopularBill Lauranceagriculture, deforestation, land use, energy supplies, land sparing, land sharing, biofuels, global food security, tropical ecosystems, tropical biodiversity, biodiversity, freshwater ecosystems, Africa, South America, global food demand, farming, grazing