Africa's Greatest Environmental Challenge -- Ever
ConservationBill LauranceAfrica, Sub-Saharan Africa, development corridors, African Development Bank, mining, agriculture, food security, population growth, Current Biology, roads, railroads, energy infrastructure, power lines, gas lines, colonization, poaching, hunting, deforestation, infrastructure, wildlife, elephant, fires
Why We Simply Must Have Predators
ConservationJohn Terborghpredators, John Terborgh, rewilding, George Monbiot, biodiversity, eutrophication, fire regimes, exotic species, Lago Guri, islands, alternative states, wolves, bears, tigers, lions, ecological collapse, green world hypothesis, Hairston et al. 1960, harpy eagle, secondary compounds, plant diversity
Top ecologist: New park only solution to Victoria forest 'disaster'
The blight of illegal gold mining
Conservation, PeruBill Laurancegold mining, illegal gold mining, forest invasions, Peru, Indonesia, mercury pollution, deforestation, mining, protected areas, blood gold
ALERT's efforts to protect rhino reserve gaining traction
Conservation, WildlifeBill Lauranceone-horned rhinoceros, Chitwan National Park, Nepal, railroad, roads, poaching, habitat fragmentation, national park, World Heritage site, The Ecologist, Avaaz petition, European Commission
European Commission seeks input on illegal wildlife trade
Across the planet, big trees are in trouble
ConservationBill Laurancebig trees, old trees, giant trees, global warming, droughts, fire regimes, logging, selective logging, rainforests, Amazon, habitat fragmentation, exotic pathogens, exotic weeds
Conservation corridors: a hot topic
Conservation, Editors PicksBill Lauranceconservation corridor, wildlife corridor, habitat fragmentation, wounded landscapes, extinction, Stuart Pimm, deforestation, faunal movement, forest carbon, REDD, climate change
China acknowledges role in global elephant slaughter
Conservation, Most PopularBill Lauranceelephants, illegal ivory, ivory, China, illegal wildlife trade, blood ivory, poaching, Chinese government, African elephant, Asian elephant
ALERT helps lead efforts to protect 'Heart of the Jungle'
ConservationBill Lauranceone-horned rhinoceros, Indian rhinoceros, Chitwan National Park, Nepal, poaching, rhino horn, railroad, roads, habitat fragmentation, endangered species, Heart of the Jungle
Will Australia back-slide on its illegal logging bill?
ConservationBill Lauranceillegal logging, illegal logging bill, Australia, conservative government, anti-illegal logging bill, deforestation, illegal trade, organized crime, LNP government, Tony Abbott, Lacey Act, FLEGT
For populations of endangered species, how small is too small?
Earth's big predators 'being decimated'
ConservationBill Laurancepredators, carnivores, apex predators, mammals, extinction, hunting, trapping, habitat loss, tigers, bears, wild dogs, sea otters, big cats
How does forest fragmentation affect birds?
Infrastructure Expansion, ConservationBill Laurancebirds, bird communities, tropical forests, habitat fragmentation, deforestation, insectivores, frugivores, ecosystem services, ripple effects, temperate forests, temperate ecosystems, global analysis, meta-analysis, extinction, fragment size
Agriculture will massively impact the tropics
Conservation, Most PopularBill Lauranceagriculture, deforestation, land use, energy supplies, land sparing, land sharing, biofuels, global food security, tropical ecosystems, tropical biodiversity, biodiversity, freshwater ecosystems, Africa, South America, global food demand, farming, grazing
Should conservationists fight for the past or the future?
How many species will go extinct?
ALERT supports online petition for Leuser Ecosystem
Conservation, Editors PicksEllen FieldSumatra, Leuser Ecosystem, World Heritage, elephant, orangutan, tiger, rhinoceros, rainforest, ALERT
In Borneo, an imperiled Eden struggles to survive
ConservationBill LauranceDanum Valley, Borneo, Sabah, Malaysia, rainforest, wildlife, oil palm, deforestation, protected area, overhunting, hunting