When It Comes to the Environment, Do Good Guys Finish First?
ConservationJeremy HanceJeremy Hance, green-washing, environmental wolves, financial markets, climate change, Chevron, ExxonMobile, pollution havens, Chinese companies, BHP Billiton, Peabody Energy, fossil fuels, agriculture, oil palm, infrastructure, forestry, fisheries, mining, divestment, eco-sinners, eco-winners
Which is the Biggest Killer: Climate Change or Habitat Disruption?
Climate ChangeJeremy Hancedeforestation, habitat fragmentation, overhunting, logging, overfishing, overexploitation, climate change, global warming, heat waves, extinction, species extinctions, Sean Maxwell, Mark Cochrane, Jeremy Hance, IUCN Red List, endangered species, agriculture, farming, protected areas, Amazon, environmental synergisms, fire, weather extremes, coral reefs, cloud forests, sea ice, Arctic
Human Impacts on the Planet are Severe but Slowing Down
ConservationBill Lauranceglobal human footprint, agriculture, cities, population growth, food production, farming efficiency, yield gaps, land-use planning, deforestation, biodiversity, climate change, Oscar Venter, Bill Laurance, James Watson, roads, infrastructure, urban area, economic growth, developing nations, consumption, wilderness
The plight of tropical migratory species
WildlifeBill LauranceBlack Skimmer, migratory species, Amazon, Andes, Lisa Davenport, Manu National Park, Rio Doce, hydroelectric dams, mining, illegal gold mining, mercury pollution, water harvesting, agriculture, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Cocha Cashu Biological Station, elevational migrants
Africa's Greatest Environmental Challenge -- Ever
ConservationBill LauranceAfrica, Sub-Saharan Africa, development corridors, African Development Bank, mining, agriculture, food security, population growth, Current Biology, roads, railroads, energy infrastructure, power lines, gas lines, colonization, poaching, hunting, deforestation, infrastructure, wildlife, elephant, fires
For wildlife, huge difference between different kinds of agriculture
Bill Laurancehabitat fragmentation, wildlife, wildlife corridor, bobcat, California, Mediterranean habitats, habitat permeability, bats, birds, understory birds, cacao, shade cacao, Neotropics, landscape management, agriculture
GM crops: Good or bad for nature?
Will new supercrops feed the world and help save nature?
Bill Laurancesupercrops, oil palm, palm oil, land sparing, deforestation, tropical forests, land-use planning, land zoning, agriculture, biofuels, global food demand, food security, tropical rainforests
Climate change could threaten our beer
Bill LauranceClimate Peril, John J. Berger, beer, agriculture, global warming, heat waves, droughts, complex interrelationships, socioeconomic impacts, environmental impacts, biodiversity
Dramatic erosion of world's last intact forests
Bill LauranceIntact Forest Landscapes, road building, logging, fires, forest conversion, agriculture, Russia, Canada, Brazil, Greenpeace, University of Maryland, Transparent World, World Resources Institute, WWF-Russia, Global Forest Watch
Crisis underground: We're overharvesting water
Is intensifying agriculture good or bad for nature?
Bill Lauranceagriculture, biodiversity, tropics, tropical forests, intensification, wildlife-friendly farming, yield increases, Yale Environment 360, Bill Laurance, William Laurance, human population growth, 21st century trends
Will we run out of food?
Agriculture will massively impact the tropics
Conservation, Most PopularBill Lauranceagriculture, deforestation, land use, energy supplies, land sparing, land sharing, biofuels, global food security, tropical ecosystems, tropical biodiversity, biodiversity, freshwater ecosystems, Africa, South America, global food demand, farming, grazing
Where should roads go and not go?
Infrastructure ExpansionBill Lauranceroads, deforestation, global road map, forest conservation, hunting, agriculture, yield gaps, highways, land-use zoning, protected area, parks